For course details please use the link below for the MLHS Program of Studies.
- Art
- Business
- Choral Music
- Computer Education
- Drafting & Design
- English
- Family & Consumer Science
- Health & Physical Education
- Instrumental Music
- Mathematics
- PXL: Program for eXperiential Learning
- Science
- Social Studies
- World Language
Choral Music
Computer Education
Drafting & Design
These courses are designed to expand the interested student’s knowledge of architecture and engineering concepts. Students will use the latest architectural and mechanical software available, as well as the most up-to-date computerized numerical control process (C.N.C). Floor plans, model building, and three dimensional drawing are all pivotal aspects in the field of architecture, and in turn, students will frequently be presented with the opportunity to practice such skills. Intriguing real-world problem solving activities are frequented where students are encouraged to utilize their creative problem solving skills to develop a solution to an engineering challenge. When appropriate, guest lecturers and field trips are identified to support and supplement the achievement of course objectives.
When designing these courses, the following NJ Learning Standards were utilized: 21st Century Life & Careers, Science Engineering Design, and Technology (8.2). Each of these courses can be used to meet the one-year practical arts graduation requirement.
Kenneth White
The Mountain Lakes High School English department is committed to helping students develop critical thinking skills applied to reading, writing, listening, speaking, and media analysis. We prepare our students to contend for what they believe and make a positive impact on a world crowded with conflicting messages and ideas. We focus on close reading, reflective and precise writing, and respectful discourse. Students will communicate effectively, collaborate thoughtfully, and solve problems creatively with sensitivity to diverse perspectives. While we believe in studying an established canon of literature and providing our students with a strong foundation in traditional writing skills, we are constantly reviewing and refining our curriculum to respond to emerging technologies, to serve the changing needs of our students, and to align with developments in curriculum standards.
These courses were designed with the NJ English Language Arts Learning Standards.
Patrick Butler
Melissa Cesaro
Keriann Eklund
Paul Henry
Tania Seibert
Patrick Terzis
Alexis Urriola
Family & Consumer Science
Health & Physical Education
The NJ Department of Education requires that all students participate in four years of a comprehensive, sequential health and physical education program that emphasizes the natural interdisciplinary connection among wellness, health and physical education.
Our program has been designed with the NJ Learning Standards for Comprehensive Health and Physical Education.
Jason Doniloski
Steven Feltmann
Alison Preston
Jennifer Suarez
Instrumental Music
Our instrumental music courses can help meet the one-year fine arts graduation requirement. These courses were designed by using the NJ Visual & Performing Arts Learning Standards.
Please navigate your way through to stay up to date on current events with the Concert Band, Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble. In addition to information about these curricular ensembles there will also be information available about our extracurricular ensembles including: Pep Band, Jazz Band(s) and Pit Orchestra.
Vincent Buzzelli
Ryan Price
The Mathematics Department at Mountain Lakes High School strives to create an environment in which all students adopt a growth mindset, maximize their potential, and benefit from an educational experience that enables them to think critically and become better problem-solvers. Teachers provide students with concrete and conceptual understandings of course content through the use of manipulatives, technology, and current best practices in mathematics education.
Course Sequences
Jessica Alfano
Dara L Blood
Denis Cook
Andrew Fucarino
Kayla Stolarczuk
PXL: Program for eXperiential Learning
PXL (Program for eXperiential Learning) aims to provide students with unique project based learning opportunities. By providing students with out-of-school experiences and exploration of topics in a deep and meaningful way, we are able to celebrate each student's individualism, independence, creativity, and unique learning styles. We emulate a realistic learning environment with increased opportunity for debates and discussions, cooperative learning groups, and projects that encourage students to work together.
Social Studies
Our department realizes that in the 21st century, our students need to be prepared to live as global citizens. Therefore our classes are geared to help students acquire knowledge of the diverse people with whom they share this world. Our courses were designed by using the NJ Social Studies Learning Standards.
Moreover, as the world is experiencing a virtual revolution in information and communication technologies, MLHS students need to be trained to acquire and critically evaluate the abundance of information. Our teachers use resources and primary sources that foster the skills students need to communicate their knowledge about the social sciences.
Robert Elfers
Sarah Gillespie
Mark Hoffman
Ryan Humphreys
Michael Schutz
Mary Venanzi
Richard Ziccardi
World Language
The MLHS World Language Department strives to raise our students' global awareness and sensitivity to diversity. As proponents of 21st-century skills, we believe that "language education not only contributes to students' career and college readiness, it also helps develop the individual as language learners take on a new and more invigorating view of the world. They come to understand the world better because of their knowledge of speakers of another language – of people who share many of the same hopes and dreams for their future. While perspectives may differ among speakers of different languages, more similarities exist than we might imagine. However, it is only through knowing the language of others that we can truly understand how they view the world. And this is what makes the language student a 21st Century skilled learner!" (World Language Map & PDF version)
Our World Language Courses have been designed by using the ACTFL and NJ Learning Standards.