Need to report an absence?
Call the Attendance Hotline: 973-833-8210
Email Us at:
Attendance Policy and Procedures
Maximum learning occurs for most students through regular attendance in classes, while excessive absence can result in poor performance. Therefore, a student may not be absent from any full-year class for more than 14 days. MLHS may have a day in session that would not be counted as an unexcused absence for a particular student for the following reasons (New Jersey School Register, Ch. 3):
- Religious observance (N.J.A.C. 6A:32-8.3(h));
- A college visit (up to 3 days per school year, only for students in grades 11 and 12);
- “Take Our Children to Work Day” or other rule issued by the Commissioner;
- Participation in observance of Veterans Day (N.J.S.A 18A:36-13.2) or district board of election membership activities (N.J.S.A. 18A:36-33);
- The closure of a busing district that prevents a student from having transportation to the receiving school.
A note from a doctor indicating illness as the reason for absence does not deem the absence exempt from being counted among the 14 days. An administrator may extend this limit if extenuating circumstances are involved (long-term illness, hospital stay, etc.) School-sponsored or sanctioned activities will not be included in the count of absences. Reporting to class more than twenty minutes after the class has begun will constitute an absence. Although students in grades 11 and 12 may have up to 3 excused absences for college visits, students are still encouraged to schedule visits when MLHS is not in session.
Upon a student’s 4th, 8th, and 12th absence from any year-long course, a form letter will be sent home to the parents which indicates a potential loss of credit if the 14th absence occurs. After the 12th absence (6th absence for a semester course and 3rd absence for a quarter year course) an attendance conference must be held including the Assistant Principal, the student’s school counselor, teacher(s), and the student to discuss the student’s absences. The attendance conference may be held over the phone if both the school and parents agree to do so.
In the courses that last 1/2 or 1/4 year, the limit of absences will be 7 and 4 days, respectively. Students who exceed these thresholds and withdraw from the class will need to repeat it in the subsequent year. A student who remains in the class and fails may take the course in summer school at the student’s expense. Alternatively, for the student who passes the course, credit may be withheld until he or she is able to fulfill additional requirements.
When a student exceeds the allowable number of absences, an attendance committee meeting will be convened to determine whether to award course credit, withhold credit until additional work and seat-time requirements are met, or to deny credit.
A student must be present in school a minimum of four (4) hours of instructional time to be given credit for a day of attendance.
Students who are absent from school, sign out early, or who do not meet the minimum four (4) hour instructional time requirement, are not eligible to participate in any practice, game, meet, special program, evening activity event, or program scheduled for that day without the prior written approval of the school Administration. Extenuating circumstances may include, but are not limited to, family emergency, funerals, religious obligations or observations, a driver’s test, etc.
Notification of Absence and Truancy
Parents/Guardians should call the MLHS attendance line at 973-833-8210 or email before 9:30 a.m. on the day of a student’s absence. A school representative will call the home of any person whose parent or guardian has not notified the school of their child’s absence. A note explaining the reason for the absence is requested upon the student’s return to school. The student should bring the note to the main office on the day he/she returns to school.
Truancy is defined as a student who absents himself by either not coming to or pre-maturely leaving school without the prior consent of a parent or guardian. Therefore, a student whose absence has not been verified by his or her parent or guardian is truant on that day and will earn a “0” for his or her class work in addition to being subject to disciplinary action. A student who is absent without consent of a parent or guardian more than four times will be referred to the I&RS team. Upon the tenth absence without parental consent the school district will make a mandatory referral to the court program designated by the New Jersey Administrative Office of the Courts.