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Community Service

At MLHS, we believe students need to be prepared to live as engaged, global citizens. One major component of all US History 1 courses is the MLHS Service Hours project. Specifically, 10th-grade students are required to complete twelve hours of volunteer work.  Four of the twelve hours need to be completed as part of the Mountain Lakes Community. (SCROLL DOWN FOR SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES.)

To demonstrate your completion of the program, students will (1) collect verification forms and (2) write a short reflection piece which will be finalized during the sophomore US History class. Although students will be graded on their work sophomore year, this project is to be completed on each student's own time outside of direct teacher supervision.

To earn full credit for the project, the following must be submitted:

  1. A reflection must be written during their 10th grade US History class.
  2. A "Service verification form" for each activity should be completed & signed by an adult supervisor. REMINDER: Get the form before each activity & have the form completed at the time of each activity. This practice will avoid confusion at the end of the year. This form is available to you virtually here, but we also have copies in the MLHS main office. 
  3. The service activity must be performed during this current year. I will also be sending updates and opportunities to this site periodically and I will email the entire 10th grade of any updates as well.
  4. The service activity must be performed during this current year. Service opportunities will be posted on the school site and sent out during the year when available.